Monday, October 1, 2012

rainy day words.

Today could EASILY become a stay-in-bed-and-watch-k-drama day, but I mustn't... let it... 

*crawls to laptop* *opens document* *dies on the inside*

I will not open DramaFever. I will not. I will not. I will not even LINK to it, because I'm sparing my friends the awesomeness UNTIL THEY MEET THEIR GOALS.

*makes more coffee*

I will not go turn on the shiny-new piano. I will not. OH HOW I WANT TO, but I'm resisting. It will still be there AFTER I MEET MY GOAL.

*resumes staring contest with work in progress*


... What's this thing about again?


I miss flash fiction. It's so good for the mechanisms and the brain juice. Maybe that would help.

*searches for flash fic prompts*

*discovers THIS site*

I can write that. I can. I'll give myself 300 words (not including these 15-- hey!). I might even share it in the comments later. And this will be part one of my NEW GOAL.

Maybe you can play along.
And maybe we can keep doing these on rainy days.
For fun. And to keep each other away from bed and TV.

*opens new doc* *kicks rainy day slump in the face*

*pours you a cup of joe*

Update: This is an absurd amount of ideas for 300 words. Haha. Oops. SOMEONE GOT EXCITED. *points to self*


  1. Awesomesauce. I'll have to check this out! I have my second editing client, btw. Tell your friends :) Business is in full swing and the website will be live in a very short time!

    Seen any good Who lately? I'm back up to Season 5 (and watching the new ones weekly)... sigh... I <3 <3 the Doctor.

    1. That's fantastic, Elisabeth! I'll start spreading the word!

      Joshua and I are hanging out in Season 3 (took a bit of a break). Loving it. Thoroughly enjoyed the HP jokes in the Shakespeare episode. My nerd joy went haywire. =]

  2. There are days where I so need this! I'll be checking back on those days. :)

  3. I love this! I agree that that is a TON of ideas. I'm saving this idea, but I think I'm less ambitious. Maybe I'll pick like, three or four and go with that? (Of course, these days, writing anything is cause for pop-the-champagne, shout-from-the-rooftops celebration.)

  4. Hahaha! I love your way of thinking! This is awesome.

  5. This is hilarious! We all have those days . . . :)


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