Thursday, May 3, 2012

hurry scurry road trip wednesday, brought to you by thursday morning.

A brief post to finally participate in RTW (or anything at all) again:

What IRL friends can you talk YA with? (that's the paraphrased version.)

Funny, because I just figured out today that IRL = in real life. Why must that be abbreviated, internet? It's not like it's hard to type, or over-used. Is it? I don't even know.

Believe it or not, a surprising number of my real-life friends are into YA, or are at least aware and/or respectful of it. I have a whopping THREE real-life friends (from three completely different circles) that have been writing YA for years. Three! And I didn't know about any of them until I came out as a YA-writing girl, myself. Like we'd all been keeping THE BIG YA SECRET without knowing it.

As far as YA-reading friends go, well... there are a bunch of those, as well. Some have come out of the woodwork and surprised me, while others have been there the whole time. I really am lucky, I guess.

But I still don't bring up YA around certain people. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

Or maybe I'm just shy.

Happy road tripping... yesterday!


  1. Cool post! I agree- when I first tell people that I write, it's funny how many people will come out as writers too.

  2. "Like we'd all been keeping THE BIG YA SECRET without knowing it."
    Hah! So funny. And so true. It is kind of a secret in certain circles (like in my MFA program--I didn't announce that news to just anybody).
    Yay for irl YA friends! But the online ones still rock.

  3. Most people I know wouldn't even know what YA stands for. When I explain YA Paranormal, I get weird looks, LOL!


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