Tuesday, April 3, 2012

:: monday mixtape.

The Punch Brothers. "Don't Get Married Without Me."
Because it makes me dance like a loon.

(brief language warning, for anyone who might mind.)

Scott Avett. "Just a Closer Walk with Thee"
(the adorable version):

The Avett Brothers. "Murder in the City:"
(the still does not aptly highlight the video.
the video is amazing.)

Crooked Still. Heart-stopping cover of
Paul Simon's "American Tune:"

And worlds collide here with Aoife O'Donovan joining Chris Thile/Yo-Yo Ma/Edgar Meyer/Stuart Duncan for "Here and Heaven," from their stellar Goat Rodeo Sessions:

And since we're talking about Goat Rodeo, here's "Attaboy," again. Live this time.

And there you have it.
Your very first RwPB* :: monday mixtape
(belated by an hour, but, eh. It's still Monday for all of my crit partners).
Perhaps I'll keep doing this?
*because I didn't feel like typing out rosewood pencil box?

I sure hope you guys like progressive bluegrass.



  1. Awesome! You could make me a mix tape any day:)

  2. Apparently, I already know about the Avett Brothers! Fancy that. I've seen that Murder in the City video before. Oh, and that's pretty much what it's like at my house every time I play the piano, too.


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