Friday, October 21, 2011

solid advice for a bad day.

Chin up, friends.

We all get down.

We all feel low about ourselves from time to time.

And on such a day, there really is no better medicine
than watching clips of Arrested Development on YouTube.


  1. That is exactly what would happen to me if I tried to do something I shouldn't :-)

  2. what doesn't arrested development cure? (and happiness of happiness, they are coming out with a movie in 2013 (i think) )

  3. This totally made be laugh!! I LOVED IT!!! Thanks for the morning smile :)

  4. Gob. I love idiotic you. This line just popped into my head: "You gave him your forget-me-nows?" "I thought he was dating again."

    That shouldn't be funny, but it is.

  5. Renee: Yes, they are *finally* making a movie, as well as a ten-episode season to lead up to it. Whee!!!

    Jeigh: My favorite Gob moment will likely always be this one:

  6. Hahaha! This was an AWESOME post. Love it.

  7. I love the encouragement - thanks! Glad I found your blog.

  8. Thanks for the link. And you're right. Everyone does have bad days. I'm glad I'm not the only one! And isn't it great that we have friends, and funny youtube video's, to make us happier? Awesome!

  9. Thanks for the laugh! That was fun:) And I hope you are feeling better...that is, if the pepping up was for you:)

  10. Haha! Thanks for the laugh. So many good moments in that show--I'd forgotten that one. Needed that today!

  11. Hola! I gave you an award! Drop by my blog to see! We're all laughing and riding and corn holing over there!


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