Wednesday, August 31, 2011

the funky liebster.

1. I am in a funk. I can't explain it. Don't know what it is.

2. My husband and I are going on a two-and-a-half week trip to Wyoming and Idaho, starting tomorrow.

3. Maybe the funk is stress.

4. How does one blog and write while visiting grandparents and friends and seeing the inside of Yellowstone for the first time? We shall find out.

5. My new friend J, at Concrete Pieces of Soul gave me an award! It looks like this:

And, yes, I had to look up the meaning of "Liebster." Answer: friend or love, in German. Embarrassed? Yes. My heritage is so ashamed. (And the heart is right there on the image!)

The hard part, of course, is passing this on to five liebsters who have less than 200 followers (them's the rules, y'all). I do intend to do this! However, I need to spend some more time getting to know my new Campaign buddies (Hi, Campaign buddies!), first.

6. My husband found my one-cup coffee maker from college during the move. I am a happy bear.

7. Monday! Thursday! I hereby dub thee my New Official Blogging Days. Not including you, This Thursday. You are far too close, and most of you will be spent on a plane.

That being said, hold me to it! I will hopefully have material to put up while adventuring. Regardless, I'll see you when I get back!


  1. Congratulations on your award. I hope you enjoy your trip, and come back nice and refreshed :-)

  2. Congrats on your award! When traveling I always try to write my posts ahead of time and have them in draft so I just have to hit publish. It makes it a lot easier! Have a fun trip!

  3. Hello, fellow campaigner! I'm not in your group, but I still wanted to check out your blog and say, "HI!"

    Congrats on the award! :)

  4. GASP!! You've never been to Yellowstone?? Well, that make sense, I guess, given your location. But I lovelovelove Yellowstone. We used to go every summer for vacation. I haven't been for five years now. So sad.

  5. I've done some of my best writing while traveling (no internet to distract me). I love to write on a plane. I love to write on a train. I love to write in a car. Okay. I think you get the point. Have a great trip!

  6. Have fun on vacation! When I go on vacations, I usually get tons of ideas.

    Nice to meet you, by the way. :) I'm in your Campaign poetry group. Just stopping by to say hello.

  7. Congrats on your award--and have a great time away.

  8. Have a great trip, and congrats on the award. I would have had to look up the meaning too- I actually thought it was something to do with books!

  9. Hello fellow campaigner! I found you in my poetry group and decided to stop by! I'm a new follower by the way :)

  10. Congrats on the award! Hopefully some time away will recharge those batteries.

  11. Gratz on your award!

    Just a heads up, I have set up a Google Reader with all of NA/Crossover Group 56 in it to help organize all of our blogs - I am missing 1 person (technical issues I am trouble shooting) but hope to get them added in soon! Link is:

  12. I want to see Yellowstone! Watch out for bears of course and gysers and heck, watch out for old geezers too. They are everyone! Have a great time, seriously and post pictures!

  13. Congrats on the award! I just got one from Angela through our campaign and I had so many blogs I wanted to give the award to, but most of them had over 200 followers! And here I've been blogging for a few years and just crossed over 100 :) thanks to this campaign!

  14. hey lady, if you are going to be out west...maybe you should drive down and visit utah! :)


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